November 1, 2010
“Pinky Bean,” we received confirmation at our private (non-medical) ultrasound appointment that you are in fact a GIRL! Mom drank some orange juice, as was recommended, to give you what she likes to call a sugar high. It worked! Not only were you not being “shy” this time, you were quite a sight to watch: holding and sucking on your umbilical cord, lots of mouth movements and gulping of amniotic fluids, and quite possibly the funniest thing to see was you “licking” the placenta. You were really exploring your surroundings. At times it seemed the umbilical cord was tickling your face and you reacted with movement when it touched you.
We learned that your placenta is located anterior, meaning in the front of the womb (Mommy’s tummy). Which explains why Mom has not felt you move much yet. It will take a few more weeks before she feels you kick and punch her, which for sleep reasons is probably a good thing.
Mom can’t sleep tonight; excited happy thoughts of the Pink Princess Bean are keeping her awake.